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Your Guide to Cleaning Window Treatments

At Classic Blinds & Shutters, we know that covering your walls with window treatments is a sizable investment of both money and time, so you want it to last a long time. Knowing how to clean your window treatments is an easy way to keep them looking bright and new. Stains and rips are two of the biggest risks faced by window treatments, but with a little knowhow and some tricks, you can dodge both of these relatively easily.

Your Guide to Cleaning Window treatments, caring for window treatments, tips for cleaning window treatments near Alpharetta, Georgia (GA)

So, how do you get started? That depends on the type of window treatments you have. Certain textures and colors need slightly different methods to ensure you don’t cause any damage. You don’t want to cause fading or remove any texture, and we’re here to help make sure you don’t.

Why Clean Window treatments?

You may be wondering if it’s even truly necessary to clean your window treatments. We get it, who wants to add another chore to the list? But like all things in your home, window treatments attract dust, dirt, and other marks and stains from simply living life. Dust will be the most common culprit of dirty window treatments, but you should also keep an eye out for marks from shoes, clothes, and food. Let’s face it, we all make messes at times, but most can be cleaned away like they never even happened.

What Will I Need?

You probably have most of what you need around the house. No specialty equipment is required to clean window treatments. It may be worthwhile to keep some items separate just for your window treatments so you don’t transfer grime from other cleaning tasks. Here is what you’ll need:

  • A dusting mitt or vacuum
  • A bucket
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • A sponge
  • A clean, soft cloth
  • A towel

Ok, Now What?

The first step is to remove dust using a dusting mitt or the brush attachment on your vacuum. Always start at the top of the wall and work downward so you don’t end up having to dust the same area twice. Take care to not apply too much force or you risk damaging your window treatments. If you dust regularly, once or twice a month, you shouldn’t meet any resistance.

Most of the time you’ll be finished after just dusting, but if you notice any lingering marks or stubborn spots, you’ll need to break out the soap and water. Fill a bucket with warm, soapy water, and another with clean, warm water. If this is your first time cleaning a particular window treatments do a spot test in a hidden area to see how it reacts to soap and water.

If your window treatments passes the spot test, use a sponge to gently wipe the stained area. You don’t want to expose the paper to too much moisture, so wring out as much of the water as possible so the sponge is just barely damp. After the stain is gone, dampen a soft cloth using the bucket of clean water, and wipe away any remaining soap residue. Last up is drying the window treatments. Use a clean towel for this and gently dab away the moisture. Avoid rubbing as the texture of a towel can cause color fading or scuffing.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions about how to care for your window treatments, our friendly team would be happy to help. Give us a call at (770) 924-0282 or stop by our design center. We  offer full line of Hunter Douglas window treatment products. You can schedule a consultation right on our website. We are located in Alpharetta, GA, and are happy to serve the North Atlanta Metro area, including Alpharetta, Milton, and Johns Creek, GA.